Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nina Hagen, I am going to be you when I grow up (AD)

There is this German chick named Nina Hagen, (One of her songs is on my playlist already)who was very vury pop-u-lar in I am guessing the 80s, She is a bit of this and that starting off more pop, then got involved with the politics of life surrounding the Berlin wall, She I suppose then got more punk or something and traveled abroad more I am terrible at summurizing Ms. nina Hagen because I have gone hagen crazy and have done nothing but google her and youtube her for the last 24 hours so just look her up, but I think she is so rad, she is everything I want to be when I get older
This is a song called "You have forgotton the colorfilm" from when she was younger and with a band called Automobil (the song is about her being upset at her boyfriend Michael or "Misha" because he forgot the color film so all their vacation photos are in Black and White)

This song is called "undeniably woman" or "All Woman" about how she is pregnant and dosn't want to have the baby and she is taking pills or something like that, I want to do a cover of it in english

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